Join Us!
Help Put A Smile On A Child's Face
special events
Join us for our Annual Banquet or Host a Special Event to Raise Funds!
Join us on April 3, 2025 from 6pm – 8pm for a special evening with Bluegrass music and BBQ to celebrate the impact we have in our community with your help! It’s a great time to learn more about how PLL changes the lives of our clients and how your donation helps us financially sustain our ministry.
It is never lost on us that we couldn’t move this mission forward without your generosity. We appreciate your partnership!
Advertise your business by financially sponsoring our annual banquet. Your sponsorship shows your corporate commitment to investing in our community and helps us save lives.
Sponsorship includes advertisement at the event in varying forms, as well as being listed in our newsletter and on our Facebook page.
Make a donation as a gift to someone you love and watch that gift give hope to others! Already have what you need? Ask your friends and family to give a life-changing gift to PLL in your honor. You may also want to give a donation in memory of someone special that has passed on. We remember your loved one with a special card.
Make a donation to PLL by December 18
In Memory of a lost loved one ...
We will send a beautiful ornament and memorial card to you or to the person of your choice and remember your loved one in our prayers.
As a unique gift to family or friends…..
We will send a beautiful ornament and card to your chosen recipient to let them know that you have made a donation to PLL on their behalf.
Your donation makes a difference!
$40 – can provide one week of infant formula
$80 – can provide an infant car seat
$95 – can provide a safe, portable crib with sheets
$100 – can provide Infant Safety Training for one client
$175 – can provide a Newborn Baby Basket for one client
Pregnancy Life Line (PLL) is a 501(c3) nonprofit organization. Your donation of any amount is tax deductible on your Federal Income Tax Return.
Make a donation of $100 or more and you can get a tax credit for 70% of your donation on your Missouri Income Tax Return.
We promise to honor your generosity and use your donation in the most effective way possible. The needs shown here may vary depending on the specific challenges that our clients are facing. Donations will be used to help where it is most needed depending on a client’s situation.
Your spare change saves lives! Launch a Baby Bottle campaign at your church, business or group! Support life by collecting coins, cash and checks in baby bottles while also making a stand for life.
We provide the bottles and promotional materials, and we would also love to speak to your group to share more about how you can help young women and men to become great parents.
Most churches in our area have their campaign in either late spring or early fall, but you can run your campaign when it makes the most sense for your organization.
Consider throwing a baby shower to stock our Baby Boutique. Celebrate and support a mom’s choice for life! Donate new and like-new baby items to our Baby Boutique where moms and dads can “shop” for the items they need with the points they earn from attending parenting classes.
Host a mock Baby Shower where the items brought are donated to the Baby Boutique. Consider throwing a baby shower to stock our Baby Boutique. These tangible gifts are an incentive to draw our clients back after their baby is born. This allows us to strengthen their parenting, which helps their baby to have a healthy family life. Through parenting classes & mentoring, we build relationships and strive to break unhealthy family cycles.